Tuesday, May 8, 2007

buying toto

today as usual reported to my working place at 9.30 sharp. where i should report at 9 am. help eric clean the goods that they dun wan, total of over 30 over kg of books and accesories to be thrown away, what a waste. Doing this till 1 pm and when for launch at wen dao food... alone:( . nely tell me to buy 4d and toto for her, so i went to the singapore pools and buy for her.

This is the talking scene of me, auntie and the cow beh ah pek

me: "auntie i wan this 4d plus $10 toto"
auntie: "you wan system 7 or 50 cents wan"
me: "eh h h i dun know, i call her ask"
auntie: "ok you go other side ask then you come to me dun need queue up"(auntie very kind)
me go back ask: "auntie wats the difference ah h h"

then behind come one sound: "siap" and he wave his hand in front of me.
nai beh then when that guy buy his toto i look straight into his eyes with anger.

(Sorry cannot let you all see the numbers)

feel like shouting to him: "knn . .chao chee bai. . i dun know how to buy toto lah you fucking chee bai, so old already still buy toto, haven kena i think you die already lah. nai beh. . fuck you lah" but in the end never as there is too much people.

nai beh this purple color old ah pek better dun let me see him in malaysia. nai beh, feed him with toto paper. .cow beh.

i went back to my company. . nely promise if kena the 1.5 MILLION prize she will treat me to bei jing lou restaurant in malaysia. . wooooooo hoooooo.

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